Thursday, June 25, 2009

jet lag is a jerk!

So i don't know this for sure, but since i'm SO tired.. i think i might be suffering from jet lag. I'm really not surprised due to the fact that Hawaii was 6 hours behind the east coast.. that's 1/4th of a day! So when I wake up early for work at 7:30.. it's really 1:30 am to my body! Add that to the fact that when I go to sleep i'm not all that tired.. but I go to sleep anyway and the quality is poor! I toss and turn and i'm hot and cold and it's basically miserable.. no wonder i haven't recovered from the time difference yet! I think i might pop some nyquil tonight to get a quality sleep.

Update: I just ate some Cheetos.. and I feel better. Maybe i had low blood sugar? Speaking of sugar, why isn't it spelled "shugar?" that makes more phonetic sense!

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