Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I've come to the conclusion that i'm not lazy.. I just don't like my job. Not liking my job means I spend most of the day being bored (though productive) so when I get home.. i'm still in 'bore' mode.

Over the next couple weeks I'm going to work on being more productive at home. Now that summer is 'over' i'm going to try to start a healthy food and exercise plan as well as start the first real estate pre-license class online. Let's get in shape and try to start a new career!! I'd really like to be able to walk around close to my house on the sidewalks but to be honest, I don't really feel 100% safe.. I feel like I could get hassled some how so I avoid it. But someday, hopefully sooner than later, we'll live on a street that we can go on walks.

Still in limbo with Martin Drive.. we've backed away from the idea in order to not be disappointed if it doesn't work out. We have a feeling it's not going to, which is fine. It would be nice to know either way though.. so we can fully get past it.

I'm really looking forward to the weekend.. I'm taking friday off which will be really nice, so tomorrow is technically my friday. I'm going to spend some time with my sister before she goes back to school in NJ. We always go to the movies together so we'll probably do that, and go to lunch.. we love hoss's but i'm thinking maybe we should try something else? Either way it should be fun.. then we have a long weekend for labor day which is also going to be really nice.

T-38-ish hours until weekend!

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