Wednesday, March 3, 2010


For some reason i've been loving italics lately.

On Feb. 22 i started a little 'get into shape for spring/summer' deal and so far it's been going well. I'm doing the south beach, sort of? i'll just call it a no carb diet. No carbs for 3 weeks, such as bread, sugar, fruit, potatoes, etc. Of course most food has a little bit of carbs so i consume less than 50g a day which seems to be working out.

This is week two. I have lost a total of 5 lbs.. most i'm attributing to water weight. I've been working on almost everyday. Last week I took a day off, friday. But this week I should be able to do pilates everyday and volleyball on Mondays. My goal weight is 130 lbs. I weighed less than this in high school by 5 lbs but 130 seems like it would be a happy weight. So 13 lbs to go! I've given myself until the end of April to achieve this. This week and next week are no carb, the following two-three weeks will include one carb once per day, like fruit or a potato or a slice of homemade bread. Then i'll hit up the no carb for another week or so depending on how the weight loss is going.

My reward for this is a new bikini for summer and a dress for a wedding in May. Not to mention the reward of feeling awesome at 130 lbs. I can't wait. Alex has been a tremendous help as well. There are bagels at my work right now about 5 feet away.. I love bagels, but I won't eat one because i have my eye on the goal. I've been tracking all of my food and exercise in my blackberry which comes in very handy as well.

In other news, I started my real estate pre-licensing courses last night. There are 2 courses required to take the state exam and I should have them completed by the end of April. It went really well.. we read chapter one and then had a question/answer session since it's a realtor that runs the class. She answered a lot of questions and i'm sure our class will have more over the next 9 sessions. She makes me excited to work as a realtor. Even if i just start part time, the possibilities are endless in terms of income.

Also, we may be moving. This is not a definite yet, the numbers need to be run and some questions need to be answered but it's a possibility that Alex and I are very excited about. If this does go through, we should be a year closer than we thought to starting a family! It's nice because with this realtor knowledge, I should be able to sell my own house, hopefully.. and save some money while selling houses part time so that Alex can stay home for a couple years to raise babies.

Alex is getting a raise in May and I should be hopefully be getting one soon as well. YES! and Finally! : ) That should help with our savings to eventually build a house on the Brubaker Farm.

So, not much else is going on i don't think.. I did list a lot of stuff above, so that's enough happenings to fill the next couple months.

I do want to share some recent recipes though that people who read this might enjoy. On Monday we made acorn squash soup which was delicious!

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