Friday, April 16, 2010

Upstairs bedroom 1

Here's a picture I took while we were almost done painting.. I kind of forgot to get a before, and i'm going to wait to get an after until our furniture is in there.. but here's a preview! it's from my blackberry so the quality isn't awesome but it's good enough for now! It was around 8 at night so it was pretty dark in there other than our painting lights.

we're really happy with the color that we chose. can't wait to see it all dry tonight!

We're painting another bedroom tonight and i'll be sure to post a picture of it later on. Really we want to get the whole house painted so i should really go in and take before shots so that i don't have to worry about it!

The weekend is going to fly by but at least we'll have all of our painting done. Then we'll have to do some cleaning and eventually move! So much to be accomplished in such little time!

Happy friday! Wish me a speedy workday!

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