Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend.. Recap

I love holidays.. and though i know they're going to get harder to plan in the future, they've been working out nicely for the time-being.

Friday I had off work, so i slept in a bit and then got some housework done. I feel like we're finally finished with the renovation-ish stuff and now we just need to keep things tidy and clean through the showings. I watched a lot of TV and hit the grocery store and viet my and even took a shower! That evening we met up with the Van Wyen family for a fabulous dinner at Iron Hill. I got over-stuffed though.. hate when that happens! Afterward, the younger generation headed to Matt and Marci's for some Seen It on Wii and some MarioKart. I love that we can do stuff like that with our friends and though it may not be super awesomely fun all the time, it's comfortable and it is fun in a different way.. perhaps even a better way.

Saturday we awoke from our slumber and made a trip to Martin because I couldn't find my spring-form pan and i forgot some ingredients for the risotto we were making for later. We got home and I made vietnamese spring rolls and Alex cooked up the risotto. We then headed over to the Brubaker Farm for an Easter celebration. Though there were no eggs or baskets or candy, we had an awesome lunch with delicious food. The risotto couldn't have turned out better. We had bbq chicken, the spring rolls, veggies and a cabbage/olive salad. Everything was great!

After our huge lunch we took a long walk around the farm, searched for the newborn kittens (with no luck) and relaxed. The farm is the perfect place to breathe some fresh air and relax. We had to leave a little earlier than we'd hoped because i needed to make a pie for my family's easter the next day, which i didn't have a chance to do earlier. So i made half of the pie and we headed up to my parents. I finished the pie there and Alex, Nicole and I went out for drinks to again celebrate Julia's birthday.

Sunday we woke up and went to church, came back and found our baskets. We played some mario brothers and eventually headed over to Da's house. Easter ham cannot be beat (it's the same as the christmas ham).. so lunch was wonderful. Relaxing followed.. we played some mother may i? and red light/green light outside and watched the 1st half of jumanji later on. Afterward we headed to my grandparents for dessert. We spent time together in the living room and my cousins arrived. We had some yummy dessert and headed back to Lancaster County.

We hung out with the Herr's and the Hix's.. Steph made some yummy spag and meatballs. They just put in an insane movie theater in their basement. Insanely awesome. We watched some Planet Earth and then watched Sherlock Holmes. It was good.. i totally kept forgetting that i was in someone's house. The couch was so comfortable I don't think i'll ever have to go to a movie theater again. It was a blast! By the time the movie was over it was pretty late, so we headed home and hit the hay immediately. It had been a long day!

This week we're looking forward to the showings. We have 4 already! So hopefully one of those will turn into an offer? Or maybe more than one?? Wishful thinking :) But we'll be spending some time at Martin Dr and I have class on Tuesday. I will be missing class on Thursday though because i'm going to see the princess's on ice with my sisters and niece. She's going to love it!

Can't wait for the next weekend.. Martin work during the day and friends at night. I want this month to fly by so we can move in! :)

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