Tuesday, June 8, 2010

on/off topic?

I've realized after reading other peoples blogs that i'm rarely on topic. Maybe I should write whatever i want, then put the title to avoid this. I also don't think my blog is very organized. I don't tag stuff at the end of each post because there's so many topics in the post that it would be about a billion tags.

I digress..

So here's what's up..

Last night we made a pizza on the pizza stone for the first time. It was basically a disaster because i didn't separate the dough into two parts so we had a huge pizza that i didn't knead enough so it had huge bubbles and we couldn't get it off the peel so we had to maneuver with two cookie sheets and eventually got it off the peel and onto the stone. I should've taken a picture it was that bad.... and that's why i didn't take a picture! Needless to say, Alex will be taking over pizza duties! But it did taste good.. so is that all that matters? maybe on the first go round yes but from now on we want our pizza to look like pizza.

Yesterday i applied to a new job. Who knows if they'll even call me or whatever but I figured it was time to start moving forward. I'm going to start the appraisal classes soon and hopefully then I can figure out what i'm supposed to do with my life career wise.

I've been sleeping like a rock lately.. and waking up with allergies in one of my eyes. Talk about annoying! I never had active allergies until I moved to lancaster.. it's an allergen cess (sp?) pool.

Speaking of pools.. I really want a blow up one but Alex said no because it will kill the grass. I think I might get one anyway and put it in the driveway. Someone asked me if it's a hazard to unsupervised children though and i think the answer to that is no.. it won't even be that deep. I'll use it as a hot tub even though it won't be hot and there won't be jets.. but i'll have a raft instead and i'll float in my own private pool. Sounds amazing. Even though this week isn't deathly hot so I wouldn't be using it at the moment.

In other news, this weekend, sunday specifically, is our 1 year wedding anniversary. It really doesn't even feel like one year has gone by and at the same time it feels like we've been together forever (maybe cause we're soulmates so technically.. we have been). We're going to go to the Penn Square Grill for dinner on Sunday and possibly have a picnic on Saturday. Things are a little up in the air. I wish I could surprise Alex with a fun schedule of events but I'm not entirely sure where to go or what to do.

Our weekends in June are filling up fast.. hopefully we'll do lots of swimming, kayaking, relaxing, beaching, picnicking (why does this have a 'k' in it??, cook-out-ing, etc this summer.. I think we're on track to do so. Not to mention a couple more weddings!

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