Monday, May 3, 2010

We're finally going to start moving

on wednesday, apparently.

i thought we would start tonight but i wasn't aware that alex has to pick asparagus tonight and tomorrow night since his parents will be out of town. so i'm going to spend some time packing today.. and cleaning, and probably taking at least one load over.. alone. but it's fine. there's lots to pack and lots to clean and unpack at the new house. We really need to move the pantry though, if we're even still doing that, who knows. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if we didn't.

there's also a car in the garage. i'm wondering what's going to happen with that. and lots of boxes, records and stuff in the garage... in the spot where i want to clean and put shelving so we can have a workable storage area. i just don't want it to still be there a couple years down the road. And if they need to store the van.. we can put it in the basement.

i guess i was thinking we'd have every night this week to get things moved so that we'd have only furniture left to do over the weekend. i'm hoping that's still the plan. i am taking off all day friday so that'll be a good day to get a lot of stuff moved and unpacked. i need to make a list of the rooms and what order we're going to pack/move them in.. that should keep me busy for a little.

i'm excited to be there, i just want it to happen quickly and not drag it out.

i'll tell you about my whirlwind weekend tomorrow and have some pictures to post.. it was a long one but definitely fun!

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