Monday, May 11, 2009


It has been BUSY around here. We got our marriage license on friday and I took a half day (it was lovely but we were running around a lot so not much time to enjoy it). And for dinner went down to Alex's aunt and uncles for a Beer Pairing Feast with Victory Brewing company beer and fantastic food. I ate way too much.

Saturday I traveled to my cousin's Bowling Birthday Party, which was super fun because I sure love bowling. And watching that age group, 3-8 bowl is just cute! Then after that we went to Juliana's (Italian Restaurant) where we ate a buffet style dinner, except they brought the buffet to us! It was delicious and again, I ate too much! Later I went out with Jen and Laurel and then Courtney, Derek, Nick and Alex showed up as well. Perfect night to sit out at Marion Court.

Then sunday was of course, Mother's Day so we had lunch with Alex's mom and then dinner with my mom. Very nice and relaxing.. with more eating too much.

I am now back on the South Beach, and i'm serious this time. It's 5 weeks til the wedding and I need to get bikini ready for Hawaii. Today I had an egg white for breakfast with a shot of milk. I had two pickles for a snack and a flavored water. Celery and light ranch dip for lunch with some sunflower seeds. And after work i'm going to the grocery store, so I can stock up on carb free fare!

It's almost 30 days til the wedding, so it's getting down to the nitty gritty and I really need to get some things done. I'm going to work a lot this week on wedding stuff. I want to get my program and place card order placed so that after proofing it should only take a week to get them back. I'm going to try to have that done by Tuesday. Then get the info on the people who didn't respond by Wednesday and be able to call my Caterer to give her final numbers by friday, give the florist the number of tables for centerpieces by Wednesday. Etc! It's gonna get crazy!

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