Monday, July 20, 2009

It's summer.. so..

So since it's summer and I can't imagine giving up fruit for the SB diet.. i'm going to make my own 'diet'.. It's going to consist of fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, brown rice, fish and dairy products. Basically i'm not going to eat any high calorie meats. Not even chicken which is relatively low calorie. It's wayy too hard not to each fresh and ripe strawberries and blue berries and peaches.

So i'm going to have fruit for breakfast, veggies for lunch and then a complete protein and veggies for dinner. Nuts for snacks.. etc. I'm hoping it will be easy.. which really, it should be when including fruit, because i love fruit! usually I avoid it because of sugar content but i plan on burning lots of calories for the rest of the summer so that shouldn't be a problem.

Thus starts my.. work out once a day routine. Today, Alex and I are going to play tennis! Tomorrow, hopefully we'll either play tennis or basketball and then he can toss me some balls to spike at the park. And i can practice serving.. build up some arm muscle/lose some flab?? On days when we don't have time to do that, i plan on doing pilates or aerobics in the house, somewhere. Since we got our new desk it takes up a lot more space then the one before did. Our bedroom might suffice?

I'm going to try to stick to these plans. Keyword, try. I probably won't beat myself up too much if I skip a day.. it's just not my style.

Happy Monday!

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