Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I've come to the conclusion..

That my life probably isn't fascinating enough to blog about? I don't really do anything terribly interesting, really. Oh well, i'll continue.

My ear hurts. Yep, it really does. On the inside. I think it's because I cleaned it last night when I got out of the shower. Needless to say, it's given me a headache and made my jaw hurt so I'm definitely going to have the doctor check it out on Friday.

In other news, I've been working on my wedding pictures during lunch recently. Trying to get them ready to put into photo books. To my surprise they needed a lot of updating.. mostly shadows and highlights to make them a bit brighter. Thinking about photos makes me think of a great website I looked at yesterday. It's a woman who does a lot of portraits and weddings and the photos are fab. Check it out!

This just makes me think of how I want to change my profession. I wish I had a great eye for photography, because wouldn't that be a blast! I love taking pictures and editing pictures and to do that as a job would just be awesome.

On the other hand though I still think about Real Estate. I definitely want to take the licensing courses but now is such a bad time in the housing market. At least I'd be prepared to jump in though when it sparks up again, right?

And then I think, hmm maybe I should go back to school to get a teaching certificate so that I can have summers off with my children later in life. But would I get bored with that after a couple years due to the monotony?

I'll keep thinking and maybe some day it'll actually turn into actions?

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