Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Easy Peasy

So I think the secret to the South Beach diet is that after a couple days, you're just not hungry anymore. Here's an outline of what I ate today:

Breakfast: One deviled egg and one sugar free jello cup (i didn't have time to make breakfast! because i tried to put hot curlers in my hair which took too long and didn't even curl it! phoey!)

Snack: String Cheese at 10 am and then Pistachios (a handful) at 11:30 am

Lunch: Finch Wrap from Isaac's.. i thought this would have at least lettuce and tomato on it but i must've read the menu wrong. I'm sure you're wondering how i could have the tortilla part of the wrap.. to be honest, it was a cheddar cheese wrap and i'm sure there was a bit of carbs in it, but who's counting anyway? oh right, me.

I haven't had another snack yet, as i'm all out of desk food but i've been sipping water which has been keeping me pretty darn content. I'm not hungry! It's a miracle! I've always believed that appetite suppression is a great way to start a diet.

When I get home I plan to have a sugar free red bull (i can't resist these) and maybe some more pistachios, idk yet.

For dinner we'll have grilled chicken and probably broccoli. We've (or I) have been pretty obsessed with charring it first, mincing some garlic and letting that sit in a couple tablespoons of olive oil to infuse it and then combining with the veggie after it's been steamed. Monday was green beans, yesterday was spinach and tonight is broccoli.. the spinach turned out darn good, i had extra helpings!

I feel like i'm on my way to success! and of course the 15 lbs lighter thing will help as well! Too bad i'm doing this right after swimsuit season! but hey, i'm getting ready for next summer! :)

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