Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Well.. Happy South Beach Diet Week 2.. I weighed myself this morning and i lost 2 lbs. This isn't normal. After one week i've normally lost at least 5 or 6.. so i'm a tad discouraged. I don't really know what the problem is but I have a hypothesis.. I haven't been loving the eggs for breakfast thing which i was consistent with the other times I did this. But I haven't been skipping breakfast.. I try to have other things instead, mostly cheese. But my guess is that the egg has so much protein that starts the diet process right in the morning and i've somehow been missing out on that process because i haven't been eating eggs.

Well, what a crock! It makes me mad and of course discouraged. But for some reason it doesn't make me want to quit. I actually want to see what happens when I start having an egg for breakfast every morning to see if that was in fact the cause of this non-weight loss. And maybe if i'm lucky it'll mean that it's going to just speed up and i'll drop 10 lbs in one day ;) just kidding that would be pretty unhealthy. But I do kinda feel like i'm starting all over and that really isn't fun.

It's not going to ruin my day but it is kind of annoying.

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