Thursday, October 29, 2009

Harder than i thought..

So last night I started on Alex and my halloween costumes. We're being crayons, Alex wanted purple and i'm going to be red. Seems simple, right? Buy some fabric, glue some ribbon, add some velcro, ta da! Well no, it went nothing like that. First of all.. its hard to measure something for yourself and alex wasn't home.. so i thought, i'll glue the ribbon on first and then when alex gets home, i'll have him help me. Well.. i ended up cutting too much of the fabric, i glued on the ribbon only to have it fall off later. Needless to say, I was frustrated and gave up. I had some oreos and felt a little better.

Here was the main issue. I bought the wrong kind of fabric. It was kind of fleecy and soft.. i should've bought felt. But i had never purchased fabric before, and the fleecy kind was right up front.. i didn't even know about the felt until i got in line to have the fabric measured and cut. Also, no where does it say, take your fabric to be measured and cut. I stood with my fabric for a good couple of minutes until i saw some ladies in JoAnn fabric shirts cutting fabric on a table.. light bulb. But instead of going to grab felt, at this point i just wanted to get it cut and get out. They should make other stores more like grocery stores.. signs everywhere pointing you in the right direction.. it would sure make things a lot easier. Also, felt was waayy less expensive than this other fabric that i purchased, and what i purchased was even on sale!! crazy!

So my new plan is, go back and buy felt. Only measure the the widest part of each of our bodies and make straight costumes. I was originally going to tailor the costume to my boobs, waist and hips.. not anymore. Since i don't have a sewing machine, this is all going to be by hand and hard enough as it is. So felt, here I come.. you better hold onto that hot glue!!

Then I have to go pick up my new glasses.. yippee. Oh and i'm making cupcakes tonight.. it's going to be busy! Wish me luck on the crayons..

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